Friday, March 7, 2014

2014 Oscars Review

It was a difficult choice Sunday. Watch The Walking Dead or the Oscars? Of course, Walking Dead was going to be aired again later on, so in the end, it was the Oscars.

As much as I like Ellen as a host, I think she wasn't at her best like previous years and I thought last year's host did a better job. Yes, at times Ellen was funny, but I felt she was there for the sake of telling jokes popping in and out before and after an award or a commercial.

As for the winners, I was completely surprised American Hustle and even Wolf of Wall Street got NOTHING. Gravity pretty much swept the awards with 7 I believe while Dallas Buyers Club mostly got Best Supporting Actor/Best Actor and 12 Years A Slave gets Best Supporting Actress/Best Picture. The one award I was actually right on was Jared Leto's Supporting Actor and Gravity winning Best Director. Everything else turned out to be different than I thought it would be.

Though not as good as last year's show, the 2014 Oscars was still enjoyable to watch (except the entire idea of Frozen winning). Still, it was better than the episode of The Walking Dead I missed apparently.

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